Friday, March 31, 2023

 WEEK 29

This week in Jesus time we will be talking about Jesus traveling to Jerusalem and Palm Sunday. We will start our resurrection eggs moving closer to Easter.

The theme will be all about Easter !!!!

In the sensory table the kiddos will dig through green grass to find many different Easter related fun stuff.

The students will match and count jelly beans for math (and eat some).

In art:
wet chalk egg
Painted with plastic eggs
Easter story cross
bunny nose on a craft stick

Fun in the classroom !!!

We celebrated 2 special birthdays this week !!!!

Friday, March 24, 2023

 WEEK 28

Our bible story this week was about Paul and the Bright Light. The preschoolers will be able to name Paul or Saul as the apostle who saw the bright light. We talked about Paul's trip to Damascus and how God speaks to his people. God wants us to tell others about him.

Our theme this week was the color yellow. We did many projects and played with different objects that are yellow.

In art;
school bus
bumble bee
yellow finger paint

The kiddos looked for yellow alphabet letters in beans

A few fun centers at the table this week were yellow magnets and a yellow puzzle.

The students counted sunflowers and tasted them if they wanted to.

Fun at school !!!!

We celebrated 2 very special birthdays !!!!