Week 6
Our bible story this week was about the miracle that Jesus performed when he feed 5 thousand people. Jesus had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
Our theme this week was apples, we did many things with apples.
In a sensory bin they counted and separated yellow, green, and red pom-poms (apples) to matching apple trees.
The kiddos practiced their number recognition and counting with a file folder of apples and apple trees.
In art:
glued Apple Jack cereal on a capital A
used a coffee filter and red, green, and yellow markers to make an apple
red tissue paper on a apple picture
paper plate apple
The students tried their first STEM project using cut apple pieces and toothpicks
We did apple tasting with, applesauce, apple juice, apple butter, and of course 3 different types of apples. They loved everything !!!!
My Friends !!!